If this happens you should contact the driver vendor or device manufacturer (OEM) and ask them for an updated driver to correct the issue. You are attempting to install Crystal Reports when an error message appears: Windows XP or 2000: 'Installation ended prematurely because of an error. Catalogs files must be signed per section 11.6 of describing DER-encoding for SET OF members in X.690.Ī driver catalog file extension is not one of supported extensions. Starting with this release, Windows will require the validity of DER encoded PKCS#7 content in catalog files. 'This issue occurs when one or more of the following is present in a driver package:Īn improperly formatted catalog file is identified during validation by Windows. Right click your start button and select Command prompt (Admin) to bring up elevated Command prompt. In Command prompt type sfc /scannow and press enter.
You might also see the error, “No signature was present in the subject” when attempting to view the signature properties using Windows Explorer.' Right click your start button and select Command prompt (Admin) to bring up elevated Command prompt. 'When installing a third-party driver, you might receive the error, “Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software”. I wonder if it`s something related to this: